The Thundering Rains

The monsoon season came suddenly and broke the suffocating heat of the boiling Indian summer. The rainfall came down in sheets in August and I showed my young nieces and nephews the majesty of nature one summer afternoon when I took them for ice cream.They couldn't believe the dramatic landscape and danced with joy. Merrily enjoying the monsoon season, they laughed the hot summer away and were mesmerized by India's vibrant palette. Before school began they spent many happy days together during New Delhi's rainy season.
Joyful and lighthearted, the kids returned to boarding school where they still remember and write to me fondly about their days enjoying the monsoon and the wildlife that comes with it. "Now onto important work" they write in their letters at their ripe and old ages of eleven and twelve.

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Click here for silly article on jellyfish from McSweeney's!

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A list of some of my favorite films

This image of my father's native village Niha, Lebanon is from The 961.

This image of my brother during his Freshman Seminar is from the Princeton web site.

Here is the eloquent and powerful author Arundhati Roy defending herself and India's resistance movements during a 2013 conference.
This video is from Youtube

Click on the image above to discover the best sweets in Lebanon!